Liste complète des 168 études cliniques sur Broxo
Broxo depuis 1956 à nos jours

- J.J. ADELSON, "Appréciation de la brosse automatique Broxodent® employée par des handicapés graves " Squibb Clinical Research Notes, Vol.IV, n°2, New York, 1961
- N.AGERBAEK, B.MELSEN, G ROLLA, " application of Chlorhexidine by Oral Irrigation Systems". Scandinavian Journal of Dental Research, n°83, pages 284-287, 1975.(*)
- Major M.ASH, B.L. RAINEY, W.A. SMITH, "Evaluation of manual and Motor-driven Toothbrushes", J.A.D.A. n°69,321, San Antonio, Texas, Sept.1964
- Major M.ASH, A. ARBOR, "A review of the Problems and Results of Studies on Manual and Power Tooth brushes", J. Periodontology, n°35, 202 Michigan, May-June, 1964
- E.L. BANKS, " l'usage clinique du Broxodent®",Squibb Clinical Research Notes, Vol.IV, n°2, page 11, Atlanta, 1960.
- P.N. BAER , " Periodontics- Hand versus Electric Toothbrushes" J.DC Dent. Soc., n°44, January 1969.
- J.-J. BARRELLE, " La broose à dents électrique dans le traitement des gingivites et parondontites", "The Electric Toothbrush in the treatment oy Gingivits and Perodontitis", ARPA Congress, n°28,page 345 Athens
- D. BARTLING, "Die zahnä rztliche Versorgung sogenannter Ohnänder und deren Ausstattung mit Mundschreibhilfen" Prothetische Zanheilkunde, Heft5, Mai 1973, page 87-92, Brannenburg.
- D.N. BECHLEM, S.R. SAXE, I.B. STERN, "An Histologic Study of the Effect upon the Gingivae of Using an Electric Toothbrush in the Presence Of Marginal Periodontitis". Periodontics, n°3. page 90, March-April 1965
- J. BERGTRÖM, "Klinisky test av Broxodent® eltandborste utförd pa tandläkarstuderande" (Etude clinique sur la brosse à dents électrique effectuée avec le concours d'étudiants en medecine dentaire), Seminarium VI, KKarolinska Institutet, Stockholm, 1974.
- M. BERGMAN, "Essai d'automatisation de l'hygiène dentaire : la brosse à dents électrique", Pratique Odonto-Stomatologie, n°.1362, Paris-genève, 1963
- M. BERGMAN, P.G. WOOG , "Recherche sur le brossage des dents et le massage des gencives par une brosse à dents actionnée électriquement", Extrait du Bulletin du Groupement International pour la Recherche Scientifique en Stomatologie, n°3 Mars 1959.
- C.L BERMAN, E.N. HOSIOSKY, A.H. KUTSCHER, A. KELLY , "Observation of the Effects of an Electric Toothbrush", Vol XIII, n° Pages 195-198, New-York, April 1962
- F.E BEUBE, M. SCHWARTZ, R.H. ROOMPSON , "A Comparison of Effectiveness in Plaque Removal of an Electric Toothbrush and Conventional Hand Toothbrush ", Periodontics, pages 2-71, March-April, 1964.
- B.G BIBBY , "Do We Tell the Truth About Preventing Caries?" Journal of Dentistry for children, pages, 269-279, Rochester/N.Y., September 1966.
- R.H. BIRCH, J.M. MUMFORD , "Electric Toothbrushing", The Dental Practitioner, Vol XIII, n°5, Liverpool, January 1963.
- F. di BLASI , "Lo spazzolino elettrico nella fisioterapia orale ", (Electric Toothbrush in Oral Physiotherapy), Mondo Odontotomatologico, Ano VI, Vol. VI, Roma, July-August 1964.
- M. BONNAURE MALLET, S TRICOT-DOLEUX, L. BUNETEL. , "Evaluation in vitro de la réntention de Micro oranismes en fonction du type de brosse à dents utilisé. "Equipe de biologie Buccale, Faculté d'odontologie, 35000 RENNES.
- C.K. BOTKIN, G.A COLMAR , "Trial of Broxodent ®. The Automatic Action Toothbrush", Squibb Clinical Research Notes, Vol.II, n°4, Morriston, N.J., 1960.
- L. BRAATZ, S. GARRETT, N CLAFFEY, J. EGELBERG , "Antimicrobial Irrigation of Deep Pockets to Supplement Non-Surgical Periodontal Therapy", Journal of Clinical Periodontology, Vol.12, pages 630-638, Loma Linda University, CA, 1985 (*)
- C.BRACCINI, E CORONELLI, "Considerazioni sul Broxodent ® alla luce di un esame tecnologico comparativo con altri strumenti similari", Rivista Italiana di Stomatologia , n°5, Milano, May 1964.
- N.BRILL, H. BJöRN , "Passage of Tissue Fluid into Human Gingival Pockets", Acta Odont. Scand. 17, pages 11-21, Malmö/Copenhague, May 1959.
- N. BRILL, B. KRASSE , "Effect of Mechanical Stimulation on Flow of Tissue Fluid Through Gingival Pocket Epithelium"", Acta Odont. Scand 17, pages 115-130, Malmö/Copenhague, May 1959.
- J. BROWN, "The Efficacy of a Preventive Dental Program in a Young Handicapped Group" -Extract of a paper submitted for publication, University of Queensland, Australia, March 20, 1975.
- H. CADENAT, J.P. AUTHIER, "Experimental Researh Work on Broxo Combi", Centre Médical Hospitalier Régional de Toulouse, Departement Of stomotilogy and Maxillofacial Surgery, Toulouse, 1985.(*)
- G. CARNEVALE, "The Evaluayion of Gingival health in Orthodontically Treated Children Using a Water Irrigation Device (Broxo Jet) " Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Sciences in Dentistry (Periodontology), Boston University, School of graduate Dentistry , Boston 1976.(*)
- S. CHAIKIN, M. GOLDMAN, M. SCHULMAN, M.P. RUBEN, "Comparative Cleansing Efficiency of Power-Driven and Conventional Toothbrushes", Periodontics, n°4, vol IV, n°2, Boston, July- August, 1965.
- P.E. CHARTIER, "L'Emploi du Broxodent ® chez les cas de psychose", Squibb Clinical Research Notes, Vol.IV, n°2, Dorchester, MA, August, 1961.
- A.l. CHASENS, "The management of Soft Tissuea Problems with the Broxodent ® Brush", Squibb Clinical Research Notes, vol.II, n°4, Teaneck, N.J., 1960.
- A.l. CHASENS, R.W MARCUS, "An Evaluation of the Comparative Efficiency of Manual and Automatic Toothbrushes in Maintaining the Periodontal Patient", The Journal of Periodontology, Vol 39,n°.156, May 1968.
- N.W CHILTON, A DIDIO, J.T. ROTHNER, "Comparison of the Clinical Effectiveness of an Electric and a Standart Toothbrush in Normal Individuals". The Journal of the American Dental Association, Vol.64, pages 777-782, June 1962.
- G.J CHRISTENSEN, R.P. CHRISTENSEN, "Full Report CRA's Evaluation with Woog's Irrigator in 102 Patients with periondontitis", Clinical Research research Associates, Provo, Utah, January 1989.
- C.M. COBB, DDS,MS, Ph.D., "Evaluation Of The Woog Periodontal Brush To Remove Dental Plaque Bacteria Beyond The Tips of The Bristles: An In Vivo Study", Univerity of Missouri, Kansas City, February 1996.
- M.M. COHEN, R.A. WINNER , "Comparative Effectiveness of Manually and Powered Operated Toothbrushing on Tooth Desposits", Periodontics, n°2, pages 122-124, May-June 1964.
- E.M. COLLINS, G.H. CURTIS , (Loma Linda University) " A Preliminary report on an Automatic-action Electrical toothbrush", Southern California Dental Association Journal, n°.29, pages 214-217, July 1961.
- C.W. CONROY , "Comparison of Automatic and Hand Toothbrushes", J.A.D.A., n°70, page 921, Columbus, Ohio, April 1965.
- E. CORONELLI, C. AMELOTTI , "Esperienze cliniche con lo spazzolino automatico Broxodent ®", Mondo Odontostomatologico, Ano VI, Vol.V, milano, 1964.
- G. CORRENTE, S. BARONE MONFRINI, P.S. BORIO, D. DALMILANO, G. CARNEVALE , "Valutazione clinica di un nuovo apparechio automatico (Broxo Combi) per l'igiene e la profilassia orale domiciliare", Rivista Odontostomatologica, Milano, 1988(*).
- W.G. CROSS, J.O. FOREST, A. BRYAN WADE , "A Comparative Study of Tooth Cleansing Using Conventional and Electrically Operated Toothbrushes" British Dental Lournal, Vol.113, n°.1, pages 19-22, London, July 1962.
- A. DANIEL , "Evaluation Of Effectiveness of the brush "BROXO PERIOSONIC" PU-PH Head of the Periodontology Department, School of Dental Surgery of Nantes France, January 1997.
- A. DANIEL , "Intra-Sucal Penetration" head of the periodontology Department School of Dental Surgery of Nantes France, January 1997.
- (1) J.C. DERBYSHIRE, S. M. MANKODI , "Cleansing Effectiveness of Conventional and Electrical Toothbrushes : a Clinical Comparison", Journal of the American Dental Association, Vol. 69, September 1964.
- (2) J.C. DERBYSHIRE, S. M. MANKODI , "Gingival Keratinization with hand Electric Toothbrushes : a Cytological Comparison", Journal of the American Dental Association, Vol. 68, pages 255-259, February 1964.
- N.E. DUGGAN , "Clinical trial of Broxodent ®, the Automatic Action Brush for Teeth and Gums". Squibb Clinical Research Notes, Vol 3, N°4, 1960.
- R.T. DUNKIN, "Microbial Index as a Method of Measuring Effectiveness of Mechanical Toothbrush". IADR Abstracts, page 144, San Francisco, 1965 .
- J.R. ELLIOT, "A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Standard and Electric Toothbrush", the Journal of Periodontology, 34:375, Columbus, Ohio, 1963.
- J.R. ELLIOT, G.M. BOWERS, B.A. CLEMMER, G.H. ROVELSTAD ,"A Comparison of Selected Oral Hygiene Devices in Dental Plaque Removal". The Journal of Periodontology, Vol 43, n°4, Pages 217-220, April 1972
- R.P. EZLAY, H.M. SWENSON ,"The Effect of an Electric Toothbrush on Dilantin Sodium Induced Gingival Hyperplasia",NYJD, January, 1964.
- R. EMLING ,"A Comparison of Estimed Versus Actual Brushing Time", University of Pennsylvania, 1982.
- R.C. EMLING E.D. KAREN, C FLICKINGER, W. COHEN, S. YANKELL ,"A Comparison of Brushing Time by Dental Patient in Correlation to Actual Brushing Time, Age and Dental Conditions", Study presented at the IADR Meeting, Chicago, 1981.
- I.FABAS, H.P. FABAS ,"Incidence d"un hydropulseur original sue la biochimie salivaire et le parodonte", A Biochemical Investigation an Evaluation of the Effects of the Broxo-Combi on Various Degrees of Gingivitis and Periodondal disease Effects Relating to the treatment and/or Prevention), Thèse de Doctorat d'Etat de medecine, Année Univeritaire, Université de Toulouse 1985.(*).
- G. FERRAZINI, M.SPIRGI ,"Waterjet Device and Gingival Hemorrage. A Coparison Study of Two Systems.", University of Geneva, 1971.(*).
- V. FILKOVA, Z. VANUROVA ,"Das marginale Parodont unter dem EINFLUSS VON Hand-und Automat Bürsten", Congressus Stomatologicus Cechoslovacus, Brno, 1967.
- J. FLOUREL, R. FALABREGUES, C.HITZIG ,"Evaluation comparative du brossage manual et électrique", Extrait du n°108 des Actualités Odonto-Stomatologiques, 1975.
- E.L.C. FOX ,"A Study Comparing the Relative Effectivenesss of three Methods of Reducing Fear of dental Treatment", University of north south Wales, Australia.
- C.M. FRALEIGH, J.H.Mc ELHANEY, R.A. HEISTER ,"Toothbrushing Force Study", Journal of Dental Research, pages 209-214, lowa City, February 1967.
- C.M. FRALEIGH ,"Tissue changes with Manual and Electric Brushes", J.A.D.A. n°70, page 380, February, 1965.
- R.L.GLASS ,"A Clinical Study Of Hand and electric Toothbrushing", The Journal of Periodontology, n° 36:322, July-August, es 108-111, Boston, Ma., March-April, 1965.
- H. GODT ,"Vergleichende Undersuchungen über die Reinigungsund Massagewirkund verschiedener Electro-Zahnbürsten" Das Deutsche Zahnärzteblatt, Heft 19, 1964
- W.GOTZE, W. MAYER," Untersuchugen über die elektrische Zahnbürste Broxodent ® (unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des kapillarmikroskopischen Bildes und der temperatur am Zahnfleisch vor und der Behalung", Zahnärztliche Welt - Zahnärztliche Reform, n°18, Hamburg, 1963.
- D.A. GRANT, I.B. STERN, F.G. EVERETT,"Orban's Peridontics a Concept-Theory and Practice", fourth Edition, Saint-Loius, The C.V. Mosby Co. pages 404-405, 1972
- A.GREEN S.N. ROSENSTEIN, A. PARKS, A.H. KUTSCHER ,"The Electric Toothbrush as an Adjunct in Maintaining Oral Hygiene in Handicapped Patients", Journal of Dentistry for children, n°29, 3rd Quarter, pages 169-171, 1962.
- H.J. GüLZOW, U. SEEGER ,"Klinisch-experimentelle Untersuchugen über die Wirksamkeit elektrisch betriebener Zahnbürst", Deutsche Zaahnärzlitche Zeischrift, Heft 4, pages 331-336, Tübigen, 1965
- J.H. HARRINGTON, I.A. TERRY,"Automatic and Hand Toothbrushing Abrasion Studies", J.A.D.A., Pages 34-68, Ashland, Mass, March 1964.
- I.M. HARRIS ,"Clinical Application of Broxodent ®", Squibb Clinical Research Notes, Vol.3, n°4 Jersey City, N.Y., 1960.
- A.J. HELD ,"Rapport d'expérimmentation au sujet d'une brosse à dents actionnée électriquement", Broxodent ® Publication, 1959.
- A.J. HELD, A. CHAPUT ,"Les parodontolyses. Pathologie" Clinique Therapeutique, Genève/Paris, p.338.
- A.J. HELd, M. SPIRGI ,"La brosse à dent dans le traitement auxiliaire des maladies du parodotium"' Parodontologie, n°4, Genève, 1958.
- C.-J. HIRSCH, A.J. HELD,"Experimentation comparative de divers types de brosses à dents électriques", Revue mensuelle Suisse d'Odonto-Stomatologie, n°75, Genève, 1965.
- D.R. HOOVER, B.G. ROBINSON,"Effect of Automatic and Hand Toothbrushing on Gingivitis" J.A.D.A.,vol 65, pages 361-367,Kansas City, September 1962.
- Mme HORBER ,"Broxodent ® et l'hygiène dentaire chez les enfants"Comparative Trial of Broxodent ® and Tppthbrush in Kindergardens", Broxodent ® Publication, 1959.
- G.C. HUFF, P.P. TAYLOR,"Clinical Evaluation of Toothbrushes Used in Periodontics", Texas Dental Journal, pages 6-11, January 1965.
- IADR MEETING ,"Electric Toothbrushes, Caries Highlighted". Journal of the American Dental Association, Vol 68, June 1964.
- A.E. IWERSEN, D.H. WERKING,"Hand and Automatic Toothbrushes : Effectiveness in Inhibiting Brown Pelllicle", J.A.D.A. pages 68-178, Kansas City, February 1964.
- O. JACQUEMIN-PIGNE,"Broxodent ® comme adjuvant au traitement de lésions des gencives", Broxodent ® Publication, 1959.
- M. KAMBACH ,"Vergleichende zytologische Untersuchungen an der Gingivia nach Anwendung der elektrischen Zahnbürste Broxodent ® und verschiedener Wasserstrahlgeräte (Comparative Cytological Studies of the gingiva after use of the Electrical Toothbrushe Broxodent ® and Various Water Jet Devices), Inaugural Dissertation, Universität Münster, 1971.(*).
- K. KAPUR, G. SHKLAR,"Effects of a Power Device for Oral Physiotherapy on the Mucosa of the Edentulous Ridge", Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, n°768, Boston, Mass, July/August 1962.
- S.E. KELLER, L.R. MANSON-HING,"Clearance Studies of Proximal Tooth Surface. PartII. In vivo Removal of Interproximal Plaque." Alabama, J.Med.Science, pages 6-266, July 1969.
- (1)M.,KELNNER, " The Use of an Electrically Powered Toothbrush in the Home Dental Care of Handicapped Children", Pennsylvania Dental Journal, Philadelphia, April 1961
- (2) M.,KELNNER, " Comparative Analysis of the Effect of Automatic and Conventionnal Toothbrushing in Mental Retardates" Pennsylvania Dental Journal, Philadelphia, April 1963.
- W. KETTERL, "Erfahungsberichte über die elektrische Zahnbürste als unterstützendes Hilfsmittel zur Behandlung von Parodontopathien" (Practical Report on Electric Toothbrush as an Auxiliary Aid in the Treatment of Gingival and Periodontal Disease), Deutsche Zahnärztliche Zeitschrift, Heft 5, pages 474-478, München, 1965.
- L.Y.KOBAYASHI, Major, M. ASH JR., "A Clinical Evaluation of an Electric Toothbrush Used by Orthodontic Patients " J.A.D.A., Vol.34, n°3, Michigan, July 1964.
- N.P. LANG, K. RAMSEIER-GROSSMANN, "Optimal Dosage of Chlorhexidine Digluconate in Chemical Plaque Control when Applied by the Oral Irrigator " Journal of Clinical Periodondology, n°9, p 189-202, 1981 (*).
- (1) N.P. LANG, KABER," Use of Oral Irrigators as Vehicle for the Application of Antimicrobial Agents in Chemical Plaque Control", Journal of Clinical Periodondology, n°8, p 177-188, 1981 (*).
- (2) N.P. LANG, KABER," Use of Oral Irrigators for the Application of Chlorhexidine", Journal of Dental Research, 56 : Special Issue Z, 47(17), 1977.
- D.E. LANGE, H.-C. PLAGMANN, H.RAGER, M. BAUMANN," Untersuchungen über die Wirksamkeit von Wasserstrahegeräten in Bereich der Gingiva" 5Investigation on the Effectiveness of Water Irrigating Devices on the Gingiva), Deutsche Zahnärztliche Zeitschrift, vol.5, n°31, p 399-404, 1976.
- W.EFKOWITZ, H.B.G. ROBINSON, "Effectiveness of Automatic and Hand Brushes in Removing Dental Plaque and Debris", J.A.D.A., Vol.65,p 351-361, Kansas City, September 1962.
- M.LEU, "Die Reinigungs-und Abrasionwirkung verschiedener elektrischer und konventioneller Zahnbürsten", (The cleaning and Abrasive Efficiency of Various Electric and Conventional Type Toothbrushes), Zürich, Paper read in the ARPA Congress, Athens, 1963.
- (1) R.R. LOBENE," The Effect of an AUTOMATIC Toothbrush on Gingival Health", Journal of Periodontology, p 135-138, San Francisco, 1964.
- (2) R.R. LOBENE," The Effect of an AUTOMATIC Toothbrush on Periodontitis", Journal of Oral Therapeutics and Pharmacology, Vol.3, n°4, Boston, Mass., 1967.
- C.G. LORBER,"Erfahrungsbericht über die Verwendung der elektrischen Zahnbürste Broxodent ® als unterstützende Massnahme in der stomatologischen Therapie", der Zahnartzt, n°5, p 231-233, October/November, 1972.
- (1) SWISS HEALTHCARE SOLUTIONS S.A.,"Clinical File on the Medical Aspects of the Irrigation with the Broxo Jet System", Broxo Info, Geneva, 1981(*).
- (2) SWISS HEALTHCARE SOLUTIONS S.A.,"Clinical Studies Options; Clinical Claims; the Stembrushes; Indices Used for Scoring of Soft and Hard Accumilations. Crevicular Fluid Flow and Gingival Bleeding (Gingival Inflammation)(*).
- W.F. MAGUIRE, C.S. KUPPERMAN," L'Emploi du Broxodent ® par les gens d'âge mûr", Squibb Clinical Research Notes, Vol.4, n°2, Brockton, Mass.1960.
- (1)J.H. MANHOLD ,"Gingival Tissue Health with hand and Power Brushing : a Retrospective with Corroborative Studies", The Journal of Periodontology vol.38, p 23-29, Jersey City, Jan/fen. 1967.
- (2)J.H. MANHOLD ,"Study of Plaque Removal. Manual Brushing versus Automatic Brushing", Conférence given at the A.D.A. Congress, 1973.
- (3)J.H. MANHOLD ,"Clearance of Food Debris Trapped in Between Teeth with a Xouth Equipped with Six Micro-Jet Nozzles Compared with Clearance Obtained with a WaterPik". Xouth Papers, May 1971.
- (4)J.H. MANHOLD ,"Brushing", 1982.
- (5)J.H. MANHOLD ,"A Retrospective of Normal Oral Healthcare Procedures vs. Power Brush/Jet Lavage With a Corraborative Study" Journal of Clinical Preventive Dentistry, n°4, vol.14, July August, 1992.
- J.H. MANHOLD, J. FRANZETTI, L. FITZSIMMONS, "Effect of th electric Toothbrush on Human Gingiva : Histologic and Microrespirometer Evaluation", The Journal of Periodontology, vol.36, p 135-140, Jersey City, 1967
- J.H. MANHOLD, R. VOGEL, E.A. MANHOLD,"Penetration of gingiva Tissue by Particulate Material", IADR Meeting, Copenhagen, 1997(*).
- R.S. MANLY, D.H. FOSTER," Improvement in Method for Measurement of Abrasion by Toothbrush and Dentifrice", Westwood Research Laboratory Inc., Westwood, Mass. 1966.
- E.B. MANUELL, H.P. KRESKY," A six month Study of The Comparison of Effectiveness of an Electric and Regular Toothbrush in Normal Individuals". The Chronicle of the Omaha District Dental Society, Vol 26, n°5, p 144-146, January 1963.
- A.J.W.McKENDRICK, L.M. BARBENEL, W.D.McHUGH, "Atxo-Year Comparison of Hand and Electric Toothbrushes", Journal of periodontics, Res.3, p 224, Dundee, 1968.
- H.H. MINCER, J.P. BLANKENSHIP, J.F.SMITH, "Efficacy of an Electrically Powered Toothbrush in Orthodontic Patients with Wired Mandibular Fractures", IADR Abstracts, Memphis, 1965.
- J.MIRA, A. RIVAS, J. TISSOT, "Final Report on the Devemopment and Perfectioning of a Simple Device for Simultaneous Teeth Cleaning and Gum Massage" (Translation of French Text), Batelle Memorial Institute, Geneva Research Center, September 1969 (*).
- J.M. MUMFORD," ELECTRIC TOOTHBRUSHES", British Dental Journal, Vol.118, n°3, p 127-130, Liverpool, 1965.
- J. MUNCH," Munhygiene und Parodontopathien", Zahnärztliche Praxis, n°13, p 153-154, München, July 1962.
- T. MUTSCHELKNAUSS, " Study of the Oral Irrigation Devices-AquaPik (Waterpick), Xouth I and Xouth III, Münster, May 1970.(*)
- J.P. NORRIS, "Clinical Evaluation of the Broxodent ® Brush for the Teeth and Gums ", Squibb Clinical Research Notes, Vol.3, n°4, Baltimore, 1960.
- H.J. OHM, E. SONNABEND, "Elektrische Zahnbürsten impraktischen Test", Deutsche Zahnärztliche Zeitschrift, Heft 11, Göttigen.
- T.R. OLDENBURG, H.B. WELLS," The Effectiveness of the Electric Toothbrush in Reducing Oral debris in Handicapped Children", IADR abstracts, p 86, 1963.
- R.S. OSHIRO, G.K. STOOKEY, J.C. MUHLER," Lavatory and Clinical Studies Concerning the Development and evaluation of a New Mechanical Toothbrush", Journal of Periodontics, 41:23, January 1970.
- R. PASSET, "Broxodent ® évalué par un praticien" (Evaluation of Broxodent ® by a private practitionner), Broxodent ® Publication, 1959.
- E.A. PHANEUF, J.H. HARRINGTON, A.B. ADHLAND, P.P. DALE, G. SHKLAR, "Automatic Toothbrush : A New Reciprocating Action", The Journal of the American Dental Association, Vol.65, Boston, July 1962.
- H.-CHR. PLAGMANN, D. LANGE, K. MULLER," Zytologische Studien über fie Beeinflussung des oralen Gingivaepithels und des gingivalen Suculus durch elektrische Zahnbürsten und Wasserestrahlgeräte", Deutsch Zahnärztl. Zeitung, n°26, Heft 5, Kiel, 1971.
- L.PLONER ,"L'Igiene della boca e dei denti - Die Mundhygiene" Estratto da Atti della Socetà Medica di Bolzano, n°6, Bolzano, Italia, 1962.
- G.K. POWERS, G.J. TUSSING, R.E. BRADLEY," A Comparison of the Effectiveness in Interproximal Plaque Removal of an Electric Toothbrush and a Conventional Hand Toothbrush", Periodontics, vol 5, n°1, p 37-41, 1967.
- G.A. QUIGLEY, J.W. HEIN," Comparative Cleansing Efficiency of Manual and Power Brushing", J.A.D.A., vol 65, p 41/26/27-42/23-43/29, Boston, July 1962.
- H.RAGER," Experimentelle Untersuchugen über die Beeinflussung der Suculus Gingivae - und Zahnplaque durch mechanische und chemische Massnahmen", (Experimental Tests on the Influence of Chemical and Mechanical Measures on the Sulcul-Gingivae and Dental Plaque), Inaugural Dissertation zur Erlangung des Doktorgrades der Zahneilkunde, Universität Münster, 1976 (*).
- B.L. RAINEY, M.M. ASH," A Clinical Study of a short Stroke Reciprocating Action Electric Toothbrush", Journal of Periodontology, 35 : 455, Nov.-Dec. 1964.
- (1) P.RIETHE, "Die gingiva unter dem Einfluss Konventioneller und elektrischer Zahnbürsten", Deutsche Zahnärztliche Zeitschrift, Vol.3, p 257-267, Mainz, 1965.
- (2) P.RIETHE, "Methoden der mechanischen Zahnreinigung und Zahnfleischmassage"", Zahnärztliche Welt, Zahnärztliche Reform, n°15, p 354-358, Philadelphia, September 1967.
- E.F. RITSERT, W.H. BINNS ," Adolescent Brush Better with an Electric Toothbrush", Journal of Dentistry for Children, Vol XXXIV, p 354-358, Philadelphia, September 1967.
- P.ROBERTSON " A Study of the Effect of Four Oral Hygiene Methods on Plaque Accumulation. Periodontal Health and Sub Gingival Microbiology" Department of Public Health and Hygiene, department of Stomatology, University of California, San Francisco, School of Dentistry, 1987 (*).
- H. ROCHLITZ," Untersuchengen üder die Reinigungswirkung von Wasserstrahgeräten am Modell und im Klinischen Versuch" (The effectiveness of txo Pulsating Water Irrigating Devices in Removing Oral Debris), Inaugural Dissertation, Univertät Münster, 1972 (*).
- S.SACCO, E FRAVEGA, "L'Importanza del massagio strumentale nella terapia delle parodontopathie. Indicazioni e tecnica con l'apparecchio electtrico Broxodent ® ", Stomatologica, n°1, Genova, January-March, 1963.
- W.E. SANDERS, H.B.G. ROBINSON," Effect of toothbrushing on Deposit of Calculus" , The Journal of Periodontology, vol 33, p 386-390, Kansas City, Missouri, October 1962.
- G.P.M. SAVASTANO, "Evaluation of an Automatic Action Toothbrush in Children" , Dental Digest, Vol 68, p 19-21, Providence, January 1962.
- F.P. SCHAER,"Wasserstrahlgeräte Die Quintessenz". Parodontologie, vol6, Ref n°5785, p 59-62, 1978.
- F.P. SCHAER, H.H. RENGGLI," Chemical Plaque Inhibition with the Aid of Water Irrigating Devices", Helvetica Odontologica, Acta 20, p 30-37, 1976.
- K.SCHOENE, " Von der manuellen zur elektrischen Zahn-und Mundhygiene", Deutsche Drogisten Zeitung, Heft 16, August 1964.
- K.SHAWB; A MUTHER,"Ergebnisse einer Umfrage über Parodontalprophylaxe, durchgeführt bei einer Berner Testbevölkerung," Zahnmedizinische Kliniken der Universität Bern, Abteilung für Parodontologie, Medecine sociale et Préventive, n° 20, p 285-293, 1975.
- H.-J SCHWERMER, " VITALHISTOLOGISCHE Untersuchungen an der Gingiva über die Wirkung von Wasserstrahlgeräten und der elektrischen Zahbürste Broxodent ® ",Inaugural Dissertation, Universität Münster, 1972(*).
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